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Wainuiomata Primary School
5 Homedale Road, Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt 5014, New Zealand
04-939 8677
Postal Address: P O Box 42-054
Homedale, Wainuiomata 5014
School Term Dates
Term dates for 2025:
Term 1
Monday 3rd February - Friday 11th April
Waitangi Day : Thursday 6th February
Easter and ANZAC Day are in the school holidays
Term 2
Monday 28th April - Friday 27th June ​​
King's Birthday - Monday 2nd June
Matariki 20th June
Term 3
Monday 14th July - Friday 19th September
Term 4
Monday 6th October - Tuesday 16th December*
*please note this may change depending on Teacher Only Days during the year.
Labour Day - Monday 27th October
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