Wainuiomata Primary School
5 Homedale Road, Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt 5014, New Zealand
04-939 8677
Postal Address: P O Box 42-054
Homedale, Wainuiomata 5014
Each year the fundraising committee helps raise funds for extra curricular activities and resources.
Every second year we fundraise for:
Senior Camp (years 5-6)
Adventure Week (years 3-4)
Ngahau Week (years 1-2)
Our fundraising activities include discos, sausage sizzles, raffles, grants, chocolate sales and quiz nights. Our largest fundraiser is our Gala during Camp/Adventure/Ngahau year. All students participate in creating products, services or activities to sell in their classrooms.
If you are interested in being part of our fundraising team please get in touch with the office or email:
Rebecca - rebeccaw@wainuiomata.school.nz
Marlene - marleneb@wainuiomata.school.nz