Wainuiomata Primary School
5 Homedale Road, Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt 5014, New Zealand
04-939 8677
Postal Address: P O Box 42-054
Homedale, Wainuiomata 5014
Learning Links
A beautiful site filled with stories for children to listen too, instructions for how to write better, and much more.
Find our your child's log in. Great site for early readers to develop their sound knowledge. Children really enjoy this game!
Accompany your students on a journey through our vast library of reading comprehension content.
Child use artist's work to create their own poems, picture books, or chapter books. Some students will already have accounts.
Learning Links
Large range of online math resources order by goals. Note: You will need to be logged in to child's google account to access.

Join over 20 million students, teachers, and parents using their free, curriculum-aligned math game for Years 1-8
Many well written math problems over all ages and abilities.
Five free questions a day.
A website with many great apps to model math concepts. Probably more one that a teacher would use with their class first, but could also be interesting to explore.